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Matthias Tidlund - Experience My Life

I'm a passionate skier and climbing is a sport that have been growing as an interest the last years but to be more general I love fast paced sports. Adventures, especially when I share them with the ones that are closest to me, are also a big part of my life; travelling the world have been more fun for every flight and my intention is and will probably always be that it is much more to come. All of that now been mentioned describe the topic for this site; lean back, read, see and enjoy.

About meTravellingSkiingClimbing

Site updates

2014-10-25 Blowing glass - 5 year anniversary

The 29:th of October I and Stephanie have our 5 year anniversary so I surprised her with an experience the weekend before it, we captured our breath in a heart of glass at Stockholms Glassworks. Click on the link to see the video at youtube!

Anniversary gift captured our breath forever (Release date: 31/10-14 20:00 GMT+1)


The Skiing and climbing sections are not ready yet...